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slow and steady wins the race, VB thinks otherwise..

21 04 2010

Hi all, Vampire Bill here, I stole the puter from my mom when she wasn’t looking (which isn’t often!) But she had the nerve to leave me with Dad for 8 hours yesterday! She says she had to go on a field trip with my oldest sister, but I think she should’ve stayed home with me!Β  She says I need to learn to stay with other people and I do love my Dad but it’s just not the same! He tried really hard tho, I think he’s evenΒ  more over-protective than my mom! They are always worrying about me, telling me to slow down, don’t they know I’m a high energy puppy and can’t sit still?! There’s just so much to see, do and play with!

They told me I only have to rest for another week, Monday I go to get my staples out! I’m really excited about that! It’ll be great to see my friends there again πŸ™‚ They were all really nice to me and still call to see how I’m doing. Nights are a bit rough for me, now that they took some of my pain meds away (mom says it’s because I’m overdoing it, but I don’t believe her) It’s so hard to stay inside when it’s gorgeous out.Β  I miss my horse friends. Mom brought me out yesterday, but she carried me and wouldn’t let me down when I wanted to say hi to them.Β  Piper, the rescue horse they brought home even let me sit on her back for a bit, so I guess it wasn’t a total loss…but I still wanted to run with them again! Mom says when I get better she’ll bring me back out and I can watch while she rides….We’ll see πŸ˜‰ I don’t think she realizes that I’ll be right there with her and feeling fine!

Silly humans always trying to keep me from playing! My big sisters left on the bus this morning, I tried to get on too, the bus driver even said I could! I wish I could go to school, the girls have so much fun there, I know I’d be the star of the class! Maybe when I feel better I’ll be able to go say hi to all the kids!

I’m so glad I got to read your stories! Mom likes to sit with me at night and we look at all the cool dogs here! there’s soo many of you! I hope I get to meet other dogs like me soon πŸ™‚ Those silly 4 legged dogs don’t have anything on us! Alright, mom’s giving me the “eye” I’d better go pretend I like sitting for a few minutes πŸ™‚



5 responses to “slow and steady wins the race, VB thinks otherwise..”

    21 04 2010
      Peyton's Path (09:21:20) :     

    VB you are a riot! I know what you mean that Dad’s are cool, but Mom’s just something special about them! I love my Dad to pieces, but I have a special bond with my Mom!

    Hang in there! Sounds like you will get to play and run like crazy soon! Here’s an idea: trick the pawrents into giving you lots of treats and gain lots of weight. They will have to let you start running to to shed the pounds πŸ™‚ !

    Dillon and Rhys

    21 04 2010
      admin (09:35:27) :     

    Thanks for the update Bill! Can’t wait to see you running around with your horses again … just be careful, you no longer have your spare leg!

    21 04 2010
      etgayle (14:46:52) :     

    bill, you are too funny!!! i know what you mean about dads as well. my don is very cool, but for snuggling, and general hanging around, my ‘sister’ charon just knows how to do it best… guess that’s why we’ve been best buds from the beginning. even if it’s hard, you better rest some now..nap..nap again, then get a treat before you go for just one more nap…. keep typin’!!! gayle

    21 04 2010
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) (19:17:29) :     

    You certainly would be the star in the class!

    And I agree – and I think Catie and Riley would also agree, since I like to speak for them – while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with dads, there’s just something different about moms.

    Sounds like you’re doing great, Bill.

    25 04 2010
      vampirebillsmom (20:47:15) :     

    Thanks everybody! I did take your advice and even worked some magic to get extra treats πŸ™‚ Mom says I can be spoiled a little longer (little does she know I’m gonna milk it forever hehe) I just turn on my cute look and she can’t resist! She even took me out to sit in the garden today! My friends came by to say hi, she still wouldn’t let me run around with them tho…even tried the pitiful look…but then i got THE look back….she knows my tricks! I did end up with a ton of treats after that tho…so who really lost that battle? πŸ˜‰

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